Friday, July 11, 2014

The qualities of a good elementary school in Florida
Elementary school educates children for the first 6 or 7 years of his school careers. Most of the elementary schools start with pre-kindergarten or kindergarten and ends with fifth or sixth grade. This varies by school and locality. The term "elementary school" is primarily used in North America. Other countries refer to schools of the same level as primary schools or grammar schools. A good start of a student in Florida elementary school can lay a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning and achievement. Searching a school for children only characteristics of the school should not examine but also it should examine that how well the school’s style and environment will work with child’s personality and needs.  
Meeting Student Needs:-
A good elementary school in Florida is one that can work with a variety of students, including those with special needs. Florida elementary school have an excellent special education program if your child needs special education and you may even want to consider a school designed specifically for students with special needs. At elementary school in Florida teachers are well-educated about spotting trouble before it affects grades or behavior.

Teacher Quality:-

According to the Economic Policy Institute, teachers with advanced training and certification in their subjects of expertise produce better-prepared students. Teachers who engage with students as individuals, who check in with students regularly and who carefully monitor student progress make for a great school. Highly experienced teachers also generally have a leg up on their peers, so a school packed with qualified teachers may offer a better quality of education.

School Environment:-

It's not just the academic life of a school that matters, but also the environment. A low student-to-teacher ratio ensures that every student gets individualized attention. Check for an anti-bullying policy and ensure that the school environment is safe. Teachers should not send students home with unfamiliar people and students should be carefully monitored throughout the day. An elementary school in Florida calls to check on absent students helps to prevents absence and alert parents to potential problems.
School Programs:-
Elementary schools in Florida provide a variety of programs because a wide variety of programs improve the academic life of a school and ensure that each student gets an opportunity to excel. Elementary school in Florida looks for after-school clubs and programs, sports teams and a wide variety of electives. An active science program with a science fair, participation in a local spelling bee and an emphasis on excellence in all areas show the qualities of a great elementary school in Florida. Child at elementary school has enough opportunity to pursue her unique gifts, whether they're in music, art, sports or science.
Parental Involvement:-
Parental involvement plays a key role in the success of a school. Parents of Florida elementary school’s students ask about the school's parent-teacher organization and look for signs such as school bulletins, parent-sponsored activities and communication between parents that parents are involved in the life of the school. Open communication, regular conferences and activities for parents are all signs that a school values and fosters parental involvement.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Qualities of successful elementary students in Miami

Qualities of successful elementary students in Miami

Successful Miami elementary school students usually enjoy school and learning. These young students like to have good grades and have very few school absences. They are almost actively engaged in each lesson and put a lot of efforts in all of their assignments. They also stay out of trouble, and many times they are eager to help their teachers and other students. There are certain things that an elementary student takes in order to become a good student. These characteristics are natural or inborn for many students, but those who do not currently have these characteristics they can develop into them. As someone can take actions to become good elementary student, he/she can also take actions to develop the characteristics of a successful Miami elementary student.

Successful Miami elementary students usually display respect for themselves, adults, peers and equipment. It is very important quality of a successful Miami elementary student that he is nice to others and stays away from bullying. Bullying affects learning for both the bully and the student being harassed. It hinders the bully because most schools now have zero tolerance for bullying. Bullying or teasing might lead to suspension, which will likely affect the student's scores. Also, successful students respect their teacher and pay attention to what the teacher is saying and asking them to do.

Successful Miami elementary students are well-behaved and follow directions they receive. These students obey all the school rules and the school's character traits or guidelines. They do not create distraction in class for themselves, others and the teacher. Continuous interruptions hinder the student's learning as well as the learning of other students in the class. Also, continuous misbehavior lead to the student being sent to the office, which ultimately will affect his learning because of missed classroom time.

Desire to Learn:-
Successful Miami elementary students have a desire to learn. They take an interest in their own learning and explore topics on their own. During a lesson, the students who have a desire to learn are paying attention and are actively engaged in the lesson. Also, these students often ask and answer questions. Sometimes students who liked a lesson will seek out more information concerning to the topic during her own free time by looking for books or asking other adults about the topic.

Caring adults:-
Another trait that successful Miami elementary students have is the caring adults who are interested in their education. Parents of these successful children sit down at night and read with them and help them in their homework. Their parents also have stressed to them the importance of education throughout their young lives. But parents should not be too much demanding and should allow to their children to have some free time to play and enjoyment.
Successful Miami elementary students develop an attitude and passion for learning by remaining curious and interested. They use their curiosity to help to become a professional researcher. They always have an open mind to learn new things while conducting research and they develop analytical and critical thinking skills through research.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Why elementary curriculum is important?

Why elementary curriculum is important?

Curriculum is the sum of all the instructional goals and methods within a particular school system. Curriculum includes both what is taught and how it’s taught. An effective elementary curriculum provides teachers, students, administrators and community stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering a quality education. The elementary curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competencies that students should demonstrate before advancing to the next level. Elementary curriculum provides the foundation for later schooling at the middle and high school levels.

Elementary curriculum ensures that every student in one to five grades receives the same core educational elements. Curriculum is typically craft by state for all public school systems. Private schools also follow same guidelines with some changes. A student attending a poor rural school therefore receives the same quality of education as a student in high standard school. The standardization process continues like this in middle and high schools.

Educational fundamentals:-
Curriculum forms the building blocks of education at all grade levels. For the elementary grades, curriculum usually consists of the most fundamental material. Educators place the greatest emphasis on the core subjects’ areas of reading, writing, mathematics and science. Other subjects, such as the arts and foreign language, also receive attention. The ultimate goal of elementary curriculum is to produce well-rounded students, capable of performing to expectations at the middle grades. Some states and districts also perform testing to ensure the students’ mastery in curriculum.

Elementary school curricula encourage a rich learning environment that cares to all learning styles and ability levels. Younger students flourish on stimulation and variety and teachers should take this into mind when they implement the curriculum standards in their districts or schools. Students at any level get bored with repetition and routine. It is essential that teachers and counselors create connections with students so that they can communicate with them with different ways. Testing and homework assignments alone are not enough to measure a young student’s progress.

Cognitive and social development:-
Elementary curriculum extends the learning of a few key subjects. A major objective of elementary curriculum is to teach children how to learn and how to adapt new situations. The skill of critical thinking should be inculcated as early as possible. The social development of the child is also an important aspect of elementary curriculum. Teachers practice group exercises and field trips into the instructional process whenever possible and often teach the same lessons with different teaching methods.

Other considerations:-
In addition to teaching students’ academic skills, the elementary curriculum is also intended to teach students the importance of responsibility, hard work and responsible citizenship. Teachers in partnership with parents and community members collaborate on the development of a curriculum that will inculcate character building in students and reinforce positive behavior.  

Effective uses of information communication technologies in elementary teaching

Effective uses of information communication technologies in elementary teaching
Elementary school children in the early 21st century have a greater understanding of technology than their parents. Information communication technologies bring about several benefits to learner and teachers. No doubt, however, this leads young children towards the advanced understanding of technology in classroom. The old traditional methods of teaching via books, blackboard instruction and encouraging practical skills such as drawing and painting are still very important. The integration of technology is also important and can be brought into the classroom as complementary to older teaching methods. Information communication technology is important in elementary education because it enables children to search for the information they need and it is helpful for them in higher education studies. Many educationists believe that ICT needs to be better integrated into curriculums so all schools produce computer literate and independent learners. Today’s teachers are generally expected to utilize some form of Information communication technology in regular teaching practice. The use of ICT in the classroom creates innovative teaching opportunities for student-centered learning. There are different ways to use information communication technologies that should be considered when teaching today’s computer-literate generation.
Assessment tracking:-
Assessment is one of the most important aspects of teaching. Through assessment, a teacher gain insight into what the student already knows, what needs to be taught and whether information retention is optimal or not. Information communication technology makes the assessment more efficient because a teacher can track information on a spreadsheet or other assessment program. It is helpful to have one electronic file of all students instead having all printed record.
Morning meetings:-
Morning Meetings are common in elementary and middle year’s classrooms. A morning meeting serves as a sharing time at the beginning of the day where you can practice new skills. An interactive whiteboard is an ideal technological tool for a morning meeting, as students can gather around in a circle and the teacher can use it as a teaching tool during the morning activities.
Virtual Field Trips:-
Even if a classroom lacks an interactive whiteboard, a teacher can still use a projector or classroom computer to take students on a virtual field trip. When studying about foreign countries, find colorful pictures and video of the location to show students. Consider setting up the classroom like an airplane or bus, and taking the students on a "tour" of the country.
ICT is a global phenomenon, and children who are computer literate at an early stage of their lives might deal better with the modern world. A sound knowledge of ICT makes it much easier for children to find and organize information. Although the ICT curriculum was sometimes poorly balanced, its use contributed to children doing better in some subject areas. It is to be found that the elementary school children spent as much time on computers as the curriculum allowed.
Effective uses of ICTs contribute to the timely transmission of information and knowledge, thereby helping education systems meets this challenge.
Here are some instructions to use Information Communication Technologies in elementary classroom;
·         Determine areas of the subject where ICT is applicable. Seek out software, websites and other ICT gadgets that are appropriate to the students' level of skills. And teacher should also conduct in-depth research on the practicability of the ICT method that will be choose by him/her.

·         Identify the computer software and any support materials that will match the students' needs and the curriculum have been chosen. Select CDs with interactive lessons and projects for students to solve problems.